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elephant silhouette

How it works 

Typical phases in a coaching assignment


  1. Initial contact from the organizational sponsor and commitment to ‘go ahead’ 
  1. Establishing a clear set of organizational coaching goals, and how achievement of these will be assessed 
  1. Coach contacts the client and makes arrangements for an introductory meeting to cover the following agenda
  •  Building rapport between the coach and client, and confirming that they can work well together
  • Establishing boundaries around the working relationship, including issues like confidentiality and what will and won’t be share with the organization. 
  • Building a mutual understanding of the background that has led to this particular coaching series, and any relevant context
  • Establishing a clear set of personal goals which the client wishes to work towards and how she will know when these have been achieved.  


  1. A written ‘Coaching Brief’ is drafted after the introductory meeting has taken place to guide the direction and nature of the subsequent coaching conversations. This is sometimes shared with the organization, but its primary purpose is for the client and coach. The client will have full editing rights over any written documentation that is shared with the organization. 


  1. In this case the client may benefit from undertaking a psychometric assessment which can be actively used during the coaching sessions to increase self-awareness and reflect on the behavior of others. 


Arrangements would be made for this to be carried out before the second meeting between the coach and client.


  1. Coaching sessions would then take place as arranged between the coach & client (typically a further 5 sessions at approximately monthly intervals)


  1. Feedback and review to the organizational sponsor(s) can be varied to suit the particular needs but it is recommended that there is a mid-point, and then an end review which can written and / or verbal with full involvement of the client.  



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